“Never cut what can be untied.”
- Proverb
Sacred Knots Intention
Kathryn practices a body-mind approach to helping clients release restrictions throughout the energetic-physical continuum.
The goal is to free ourselves from physical and energetic entanglements so we live in the moment and fully express
who we are.
In other words, to untie the Sacred Knots.
“And then the day came when the risk to remain tight
in a bud
was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”
-Anais Nin
By Appointment
Craniosacral in Los Angeles | Advanced Bodywork, Acutonics in LA, Structural Integration in Silverlake | Kathryn Pallakoff,
Sound Healing in Los Angeles, Craniosacral in LA, Craniosacral in Silverlake | Advanced Bodywork, Structural Integration in LA,
Crainosacral therapy, acutonics in Silverlake | Rolfing in Los Angeles, Rolfing in LA, Sound Healing in Silverlake,
Structural Integration in Los Angeles | Kathryn Pallakoff, Sound Healing in LA | Advanced Bodywork, Cranial Sacral therapy | Chi Nei Tsang in Los Angeles
Rolfing in Silverlake, cranial sacral in silverlake | acutonics in los angeles | energy healing in los angeles | reiki in los angeles | shamanic healing in los angeles | Soul Retrieval